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RSMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionary student edition

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Download RSMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionary student edition  Easily In PDF Format For Free.


SMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionary, Student Editionis a must-have companion to any construction-related curriculum. The engineering staff at RSMeans has edited the original RSMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionaryto apply specifi cally for the student.

 Terms are defined in easy-to-understand language, and supplemented by over 1,400 illustrations. In addition to a higher percentage of illustrations, many illustrations new to this Student Edition have been added to make learning easier.Whenever possible, words or phrases are explained in non-technical language. 

When technical terms are used, they are also defined as separate entries. Very old architectural terms are purposely omitted, as this is intended to be a current construction dictionary with up-to-date terminology. 

A useful appendix illustrates and identifi es the symbols that a building professional is likely to encounter. Terms for new construction trends, such as BIM, building automation, energy and environmental conservation, “green” construction practice, engineered lumber products, the newest seismic technologies, and historic preservation are also covered.

 The editors obtained the assistance of industry groups, associations, societies, and manufacturers, as well as published authors who are nationally recognized authorities, to achieve this comprehensive construction trades, practices, and equipment dictionary.

This edition would not have been possible without the work of the RSMeans engineering staff. The editors also thank John Schaufelberger at the University of Washington and Clark Cory of Purdue University for their review of the material and recommended revisions for this student edition.

 Finally, a special thanks to the American Association of Cost Estimators (AACE) for allowing us to reprint some of their invaluable cost engineering terminology.
