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Modern Front-end Architecture

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Download Modern Front-end Architecture  Easily In PDF Format For Free.


There is nothing quite like the feeling of creating something that didn’t exist before. Whenever someone unfamiliar with coding asks me about why I am interested in software development, I like to talk about my love for creating things.

 While writing code, you can create your own worlds and build things that didn’t exist previously. The questioner may gloss over this response and see coding as an exercise in tedious algorithms, equations, and syntax. To those who write code and enjoy it, however, I would argue that this is a relatable mindset.

 As opposed to software, many industries have years of standards, structure, and guidelines. Some may question if these principles help in the creation process. In most cases, they are both necessary and offer a head start.

 It would be tragic if someone in the construction industry threw out years of physics and structural engineering concepts to start with a “blank slate,” so to speak. I wouldn’t want to go to a dentist who performed creative root canals.

 Think of the medical and aerospace industries. In both industries, the pace at which they are moving today is staggering. These fields are achieving great things by applying novel concepts to principles that have been around for decades. To start anything completely from scratch would be a terrible mistake.

gave up attempts to maintain any level of consistency and just tried to get something accomplished. These shortcomings ultimately led to applications being rewritten, only to start the process over again. Have you ever

 •  Found code with the exact same functionality sprinkled throughout a codebase? •  Updated styles for one part of an application only to find out that you broke an entirely separate part of the application? 

•  Been on a team that found the challenges of maintaining a codebase so overwhelming that it warranted a rewrite? (Bonus question: Did the rewrite solve all the problems that were encountered?) I don’t know about you, but I can answer “yes” to all of the preceding questions.

 The sad thing about these responses is that things don’t need to be this way. Few areas in the history of software prepare us for the constant change that besieges most front-end development teams. Thankfully, we can leverage ideas from other industries to write better software.
